Dons: L'Orchestre et Chœur PSL a besoin de vous !

L’Orchestre et le Chœur PSL sont regroupés au sein de l’association Musique@PSL. Si son bureau et tous ses membres sont bénévoles, elle emploie néanmoins des professionnels dans les domaines artistiques et administratifs. Musique@PSL organise et participe aussi à de nombreux projets tout au long de l’année : Festival de printemps qui se déroule au sein de l’Université PSL, concerts à thème, tournées en France et à l’étranger…

Tous ces projets nécessitent un financement et des moyens conséquents. Musique@ PSL est soutenue en particulier par l’Université PSL et Dauphine PSL avec lesquelles elle entretient des liens privilégiés et étroits. Elle bénéficie également d’une aide de la fondation De la Musique avant toute chose. Ces financements seuls ne sont pas suffisants : votre aide est nécessaire. Musique@ PSL est habilitée à délivrer un reçu fiscal pour chaque don reçu.

Our partners

Under the terms of a biannual agreement,PSL University :

  • pays Musique@PSL an annual operating grant
  • promotes the actions of Musique@PSL with the university community in order to reinforce the unifying nature of the project; as such, the component institutions of Université PSL are invited, according to their possibilities, to make rooms available to Musique@PSL for concerts and festivals;
  • enhances the participation of students in the activities of the Orchestra and the Choir thanks to the creation of an optional "Music PSL" unit which can be set up by member establishments and the allocation of specific ECTS to regular students at the work of the Orchestra and the Choir;
  • gives Musique@PSL all facilities for its external communication (posters, publications, website), including within establishments subject to their agreement and includes the Orchester Symphonique et Chœur de Paris Sciences & Lettres in its communication;

Dauphine-PSL makes available to Musique@ PSL:

  • An amphitheater for rehearsals;
  • An office for the administration of the association;
  • A storage room for sheet music, instruments and equipment.

Musique@ PSL is also supported by the foundation De la Musique avant toute chose, founded in December 2018 under the aegis of the Fondation de France.
The foundation supports projects for the composition, conservation, production, teaching and distribution of Western music on all media (classical music, jazz, contemporary tonal music).
It provides occasional support for specific projects (concerts, festivals, recordings, concert tours, compositions) and accompanies structures that meet the general objectives of the foundation and that transmit the passion for music.
The foundation particularly helps initiatives or structures involving young performers, professionals or amateurs, in order to boost their projects. It is attentive to promoting access to music for audiences who are prevented from doing so or are far from it.

Individual donors

Donations to Musique@ PSL entitle you to an income tax reduction of 66% of the amount paid, up to a limit of 20% of taxable income.

For any additional information, you can contact us here