Music at PSL

Following the example of the world's prestigious universities, PSL has its own symphony orchestra and choir, the OCPSL. Open to all students and staff of PSL University, the association's repertoire reflects its image: eclectic, innovative, original, and composed of varied styles of music (classical repertoire and forgotten or contemporary composers, jazz and gospel, musicals).

Upcoming events

Mercredi 20 Novembre –  20h30 // Grand Amphithéâtre de la Sorbonne

Concert au profit de Imagine for Margot et de l’Institut Curie

Mardi 26 Novembre –  20h30 // Amphithéâtre Edgar Faure – Université Dauphine – PSL

Concert inaugural


Pour intégrer l’OC-PSL, inscrivez-vous en suivant le lien ci-dessous, un créneau d’audition vous sera proposé.